
Holy smokes, you're here! Let's get started on using the coolest Flutter database out there...

We're going to be short on words and quick on code in this quickstart.



If you want to use Isar in production, please use the stable version 3.

1. Add dependencies

Before the fun begins, we need to add a few packages to the pubspec.yaml. We can use pub to do the heavy lifting for us.

dart pub add isar:^4.0.3 isar_flutter_libs:^4.0.3 --hosted-url=https://pub.isar-community.dev

2. Annotate classes

Annotate your collection classes with @collection and choose an Id field.

import 'package:isar/isar.dart';

part 'user.g.dart';

class User {
  late int id;

  String? name;

  int? age;

Ids uniquely identify objects in a collection and allow you to find them again later.

3. Run code generator

Execute the following command to start the build_runner:

dart run build_runner build

4. Open Isar instance

Open a new Isar instance and pass all of your collection schemas. Optionally you can specify an instance name and directory.

if (kIsWeb) {
  // For web, make sure to initalize before
  await Isar.initialize();
  // Use sync methods
  final isar = Isar.open(
    schemas: [UserSchema],
    directory: Isar.sqliteInMemory,
    engine: IsarEngine.sqlite,
} else {
  final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  final isar = await Isar.openAsync(
    schemas: [UserSchema],
    directory: dir.path,


⚠️ Please note: For applications targeting web platforms, please be aware that persistent data storage capabilities are currently unavailable. All data will be stored in memory only. Additionally, asynchronous methods are not yet supported. To open the database, use the code provided below.

5. Write and read

Once your instance is open, you can start using the collections.

All basic CRUD operations are available via the IsarCollection.

final newUser = User()
  ..id = isar!.users.autoIncrement()
  ..name = 'Jane Doe'
  ..age = 36;

await isar!.writeAsync((isar) {
  return isar.users.put(newUser); // insert & update

final existingUser = isar!.users.get(newUser.id); // get

if (existingUser != null) {
  await isar!.writeAsync((isar) {
    return isar.users.delete(existingUser.id); // delete

Other resources

Are you a visual learner? Check out these videos to get started with Isar:

Last Updated:
Contributors: Martin Clauss, Simon Leier, Frostedfox, Abhishek Thulasi, Aditya, Bui Anh Viet, KaiNatori, Vicente Russo