Create, Read, Update, Delete

When you have your collections defined, learn how to manipulate them!

Opening Isar

Before you can do anything, we need an Isar instance. Each instance requires a directory with write permission where the database file can be stored. If you don't specify a directory, Isar will find a suitable default directory for the current platform.

Provide all the schemas you want to use with the Isar instance. If you open multiple instances, you still have to provide the same schemas to each instance.

final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final isar = await Isar.openAsync(
  schemas: [RecipeSchema],
  directory: dir.path,

You can use the default config or provide some of the following parameters:

nameOpen multiple instances with distinct names. By default, "default" is used.
directoryThe storage location for this instance. Not required for web.
maxSizeMibThe maximum size of the database file in MiB. Isar uses virtual memory which is not an endless resource so be mindful with the value here. If you open multiple instances they share the available virtual memory so each instance should have a smaller maxSizeMib . The default is 2048.
relaxedDurabilityRelaxes the durability guarantee to increase write performance. In case of a system crash (not app crash), it is possible to lose the last committed transaction. Corruption is not possible
compactOnLaunchConditions to check whether the database should be compacted when the instance is opened.
inspectorEnabled the Inspector for debug builds. For profile and release builds this option is ignored.

If an instance is already open, calling will yield the existing instance regardless of the specified parameters. That's useful for using Isar in an isolate.


Consider using the path_provideropen in new window package to get a valid path on all platforms.

The storage location of the database file is directory/name.isar

Reading from the database

Use IsarCollection instances to find, query, and create new objects of a given type in Isar.

For the examples below, we assume that we have a collection Recipe defined as follows:

class Recipe {
  late int id;

  String? name;

  DateTime? lastCooked;

  bool? isFavorite;

Get a collection

All your collections live in the Isar instance. You can get the recipes collection with:

final recipes =;

Get an object (by id)

We don't have data in the collection yet but let's pretend we do so we can get an imaginary object by the id 123

final recipe = await;

getAsync() returns a Future with either the object or null if it does not exist. All Isar operations are asynchronous by default, and most of them have a synchronous counterpart:

final recipe =;


You should default to the asynchronous version of methods in your UI isolate. Since Isar is very fast, it is often acceptable to use the synchronous version.

If you want to get multiple objects at once, use getAll() or getAllSync():

final recipe = await[1, 2]);

Query objects

Instead of getting objects by id you can also query a list of objects matching certain conditions using .where() and .filter():

final allRecipes = await;

final favorites = await

➡️ Learn more: Queries

Modifying the database

It's finally time to modify our collection! To create, update, or delete objects, use the respective operations wrapped in a write transaction:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  final recipe = await

  recipe.isFavorite = false;
  await; // perform update operations

  await; // or delete operations

➡️ Learn more: Transactions

Insert object

To persist an object in Isar, insert it into a collection. Isar's put() method will either insert or update the object depending on whether it already exists in the collection.

If the id field is null or Isar.autoIncrement, Isar will use an auto-increment id.

final pancakes = Recipe() = = 'Pancakes'
  ..lastCooked =
  ..isFavorite = true;

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {

Isar will automatically assign the id to the object if the id field is non-final.

Inserting multiple objects at once is just as easy:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  await[pancakes, pizza]);

Update object

Both creating and updating works with collection.put(object). If the id is null (or does not exist), the object is inserted; otherwise, it is updated.

So if we want to unfavorite our pancakes, we can do the following:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  pancakes.isFavorite = false;

Delete object

Want to get rid of an object in Isar? Use collection.delete(id). The delete method returns whether an object with the specified id was found and deleted. If you want to delete the object with id 123, for example, you can do:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  final success = await;
  print('Recipe deleted: $success');

Similarly to get and put, there is also a bulk delete operation that returns the number of deleted objects:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  final count = await[1, 2, 3]);
  print('We deleted $count recipes');

If you don't know the ids of the objects you want to delete, you can use a query:

await isar.writeAsync((isar) async {
  final count = await
  print('We deleted $count recipes');
Last Updated:
Contributors: Simon Leier, Aditya, Frostedfox, Martin Clauss, Nelson Mutane, PeterAkande, Rohan Taneja, Vicente Russo